Join us on Sunday at 11:00 AM for Worship

Join us on Wednesday at 6:00pm for Bible Study.


Salem Baptist ChurchThank you for visiting Salem Baptist Church’s website! If you are looking for an authentic, truth loving body of believers in Jesus Christ, then this is the place for you. Our website exists to get you connected to what is going on within the church. Check back often, so you do not miss any new opportunities to learn, fellowship, and serve in the House of God. If you have any questions, use the contact page, and we will get back to you as soon as possible, and if you haven’t been keeping up with our Sunday messages, check out the “Sermons” page to catch up. Have a blessed day!

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Live at Salem – 5/17/24 & 5/18/24

The Lion the Witch and the WardrobeCreative Arts Ministry is putting on a production of C.S. Lewis’ classic fantasy tale The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.  The Play will be held on Friday, May 17th at 7:00pm and Saturday, May 18th at 2:00pm.  Attendance is free, but donations to the Creative Arts Ministry program are encouraged at the door.  Don’t miss the opportunity to watch this wildly talented group of home schooled students, perform their take on Lewis’ allegory of atonement.  It is sure to be an experience that Salem will remember, as we are reminded of the sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross.


Night of Worship – 4/19/2024

Night of Worship

Join us for Night of Worship on April 19th at 7:00pm, where special guest, Allyce Burdette, will lead us, as we lift our voice in song and praise our Father in Heaven. Don’t miss this opportunity to gather together and press into God. Admission is free, so take this opportunity to invite friends, family and random strangers you meet in the grocery store line.


Wrap up Valentine’s week with some good-spirited competition. On February 16th at 6:00pm, couples, married or dating, are invited for a night of great food and a challenge of their 5th Grade trivia knowledge. This will be a chance to laugh and fellowship with your significant other, while getting to know other couples as well. The event will take place in the Fellowship Hall at Salem Baptist Church. Registration is required, and childcare will be provided PreK-5th Grade. Sign up at this link.

Fasting 101 – Types of Fasting

Fasting is defined as the denial of food.  It is a simple concept yet a powerful spiritual tool. In the Bible you see several types of fasting:

Complete Fast – No food and no water. We see two extreme occurrences of this in the Bible, Moses being one of them.  While in the presence of God, God sustained Moses for 40 days as he received the 10 commandments.  While it is recognized that God can completely sustain us, it is not recommended that anyone do a complete fast for more than 3 days. After 3 days, serious consequences arise from a lack of hydration, so consult your doctor before attempting this. Esther called her people to fast from food and water for 3 days before she presented herself to the king.

Water Fast – No food, just water. This is the most common form of fasting in the Bible. It is assumed that when the Bible talks of fasting without further specification, it is referring to a water fast. Water fasts can be maintained for a longer period of time than complete fasts. We recommend no more than 21 days, but consult your doctor before attempting this. Water fasts can be supplemented by non-sugar electrolyte powder.

Partial Fast – Abstaining from certain types of foods. Daniel ate only fruits and vegetables for 21 days as he prayed for God’s interpretation of a disturbing vision. Partial fasts can actually be very healthy, provided you eat healthy food while you are on them.  Many people choose to do variations of the Daniel fast, eating no meat and desserts. Many resources are available for Daniel Fast meal plans.

Juice Fast – No solid food, just water, juices, and broths. This is a way of fasting that maintains some level of blood sugar and nutrition. It is really just a partial fast turned up a notch. Consult your doctor before attempting this type of fast.

Activity Fast – Giving up something you typically enjoy and replacing it with prayer and worship. This could be social media, TV, YouTube, Golf, or even shopping. This is often paired with a food fast to help focus on God.

For more information on Fasting, see our Fasting 101 Resource Page.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Salem Baptist Church is dedicating the first part of 2024 to prayer and fasting. From January 8th to the 28th, we will be joining churches across the world in an effort to seek God’s will for our church, community, and our personal walks with God. During our current message series, “Closer”, we will be studying the book of John, praying for specific needs each day, uniting in public and private worship, and participating in outreaches to our community. We will also be partaking in the spiritual discipline of fasting, so that we can draw closer to God as a church family. Join us on this journey, and watch what God does. Check out our Fasting Resource Page for more information on fasting.