To help make your fasting more productive, here are some helpful tips:
LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT – Let the Spirit guide you when choosing the type and length of your fast. Don’t be afraid to stretch to something that requires you leaning on God to complete. The more you practice this discipline, the easier it is to face the sacrifice you are making, as you see the way God responds to your offering.
STICK TO YOUR PLAN – Don’t cheat. Once you have established a plan, stick to it. This is especially true if you are attempting a water fast. Little cheats restart the body in its attempt to find its rhythm. If you are on an extended water fast, the first two or three days are the hardest, but then your body gets the message and starts burning fat for fuel. Gradually, your head clears and the hunger pains ease. Eating delays this process.
START PREPARING BEFORE YOU START – If you plan to drop sugar, processed carbs and caffeine, ease your body off it. If you do this, you will avoid the fog that often accompanies the first two or three days of fasting.
BE PREPARED TO REST – If you are fasting solid foods, you may have times where you feel light-headed or fatigued. This is normal. Sit down and pray. Also, make sure you are sleeping enough during this time to preserve energy.
DON’T COMPLICATE IT – Stick to a few basic nutrient dense meals during the fast. The fast is not the time to try every new Daniel Fast recipe on the internet. That will undermine the reason you are fasting, putting your focus on the food and not drawing closer to God.
EXPECT PHYSICAL DISCOMFORT – You will have hunger pains just like Jesus did when he fasted. You also may have headaches, or irregular bowel movements. Press into God during these times, because this is normal when changing your diet. Most Americans are addicted to sugar and caffeine, and most fasts remove those rapidly from your diet. If you are water fasting, you may also have muscle cramps due to a lack of electrolytes. If you experience any other abnormal pain, contact your doctor ASAP.
IF YOU MESS UP, START AGAIN – As you are developing the discipline of fasting, you may succumb to temptation and cheat. Don’t throw up your hands and quit fasting. Have the discipline to start again and continue with your plan.
CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR – If you have any underlying health issues, regularly take medication, or are underweight, please consult your doctor and let them help you choose a fast that is safe. After trying a safer fast, many people discover they can handle more intensive fasting later.
MAKE YOUR CALORIES COUNT – If you are limiting your meals, make your calories count. Eat foods rich in nutrients. Don’t buy processed foods, and throw away the potato chips. On a Daniel Fast, it is important to get the right kinds of proteins and vitamins to keep your body healthy, likewise, with intermittent fasting.
USE THE EXTRA TIME WELL – You are giving up time to eat and do activities. Fill this time with God. Press into Him by praying, worshipping, studying His Word, and serving. Giving up food will not mean a lot if you replace that extra time with the TV, checking your social media or just sleeping the day away. Treat every moment during your fast as a precious offering to God.
EASE OFF THE FAST – Many people binge eat when they come off a fast. That is a big mistake! This can make you sick and incapacitate you. Instead, slowly get back on regular food, if you even choose to reincorporate it into your diet. many people stay off the sugar and caffeine, once they have kicked the habit. If you are coming off an extended water fast, broths are a good start to resume eating. Then slowly add solid foods back to your menu. After two or three day, you can get back to normal.